Monday, June 20, 2011

Got a picky eater at home? Yeah, me too.

So, if you're a mom (or a dad) like me who has a picky eater at home, then you can probably relate to this topic. 

My toddler, who is not yet 2 years old, who has not had enough experience in her short life with food to be picky, is completely against eating anything green.  I try to sneak anything green I can into her diet and she will somehow find it and pick it out and tell me "Mommy, not dat one."  She loves corn, onions, carrots, red peppers, but if its GREEN, forget about it!!
This has caused me to become a sneaky mother.  I have started blending spinach and avocado into her morning smoothies just to try to get some fiber and nutrients into her diet.  Her and I will usually split a smoothie and  here it is:
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup coconut milk (just eye it)
  • 3 large frozen strawberries (to give it that creamy frozen consistancy)
  • small handful of blueberries (antioxidants, yes!)
  • a couple slices of avocado (20 some-odd nutrients)
  • a handful of fresh spinach  (fiber and folic acid)

*sometimes I'll throw in a banana or some almond butter (potassium and tasty)

Its usually my breakfast, but more like an appetizer for her before she arrives at daycare.  I know its not much in terms of her daily nutrients, but every little bit helps.  And thankfully she prefers meats over starches so I think we have a good base so far.

Tips or secrets to getting those little ones to eat their veggies?  Leave a comment and share! :)



Anonymous said...

Your smoothie recipe sounds great, I'll have to try it. I do one with spinach, an apple, banana, etc. I just look at what I have and throw it in my Vitamix. So good for you.... My younger son, Elliott, was the same way with veggies. I had to supplement with vitamins. As he grew older, he started eating is still the only green veggie he will eat. It is very good for you so I am glad he, at least, will eat one green veggie! Hopefully, your little one will grow out of it, too. Until then, I would keep your smoothies coming! :) Have a beautiful day! xoxo Kim

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