Monday, July 25, 2011

FL Countdown - Day 30: That Damn Scale!

So first let me start this long overdue post to the tune of something like “I suck. And I can’t seem to find time to write every night”.  Apologies. 

Second, I am 30 days away from being in sunny Florida with my best girlfriends!  Whoo hoo!!  I’m super anxious because I really have to turn up the heat for these four weeks.  Time to get real strict on my diet and shoot for 5ish days in the gym. 

Third… let’s talk about the scale.  This is a very controversial topic in the crossfit world. The scale really doesn’t tell you everything you need to know when it comes to weight loss.  Here is a popular article that my gym posted to help us all understand that the scale can be very deceiving (courtesy of Everyday Paleo)  Attention Scale Addicts. So now that you get the idea, I will tell you this.. I decided I would not weigh myself for about 30 days.  Unfortunately, I had to get weighed for a physical and happened to peak at the scale.  I have GAINED weight!  2 lbs. I was mortified!!  I have been busting my @ss in the gym and in the kitchen and I’m gaining?!?!  I was pretty bummed for a day or so about it…until today.  I tried on a pair of jeans I haven’t worn in a while.  Wow.. not nearly as tight and no bulging anywhere.  Something has got to give..  Why do I obsess about what the scale says??  The answer really is because I always have.  The number has always been such a big deal.  Until now.  From now on, I’ll be focusing my attention to my measurements and how my clothes fit, rather than those three digit numbers.



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